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Next StreamKeepers meeting
March 10, 2025, 5pm
at SASM 450 Syca
more, MV
Join Us?
Email Mike for more info.

The Mill Valley StreamKeepers welcomes all interested citizens to our organization, to join in monthly meetings, public issues committees, research, grant writing, public outreach, creek monitoring and other foreground and background activities that will help us ensure a healthy Mill Valley environment.


We invite you to share the StreamKeepers’ vision, enthusiasm and expertise in this field, to become aware of, and perhaps advocates for, this important aspect of the town’s quality of life, and to join in protecting and improving our environment, for Mill Valley’s current and future citizens, animals and plant life.







Regular board meetings are held every other month on the second Monday of the month at 5pm in the Community Room of the Sewerage Agency of Southern Marin (SASM), 450 Sycamore Avenue, Mill Valley. The public is welcome to attend and to bring comments and concerns to the meeting. â€‹

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